CrowdStrike Falcon CrowdStrike Subreddit

Using the Overwatch Dashboard service collection

Uber class support Service class support Documentation Version Page Updated

Table of Contents

Operation IDDescription
PEP 8aggregates_detections_global_counts
Get the total number of detections pushed across all customers
PEP 8aggregates_events_collections
Get OverWatch detection event collection info by providing an aggregate query
PEP 8aggregates_events
Get aggregate OverWatch detection event info by providing an aggregate query
PEP 8aggregates_incidents_global_counts
Get the total number of incidents pushed across all customers
PEP 8aggregates_events_global_counts
Get the total number of OverWatch events across all customers

Passing credentials


client_id and client_secret are keyword arguments that contain your CrowdStrike API credentials. Please note that all examples below do not hard code these values. (These values are ingested as strings.)

CrowdStrike does not recommend hard coding API credentials or customer identifiers within source code.


Get the total number of detections pushed across all customers

PEP8 method name




Required Scope



  • Consumes: application/json
  • Produces: application/json

Keyword Arguments

NameServiceUberTypeData typeDescription
Service Class Support

Uber Class Support
querystringFQL query expression that should be used to limit the results.
Service Class Support

Uber Class Support
querydictionaryFull query string parameters payload in JSON format.


Service class example (PEP8 syntax)
from falconpy import OverwatchDashboard # Do not hardcode API credentials! falcon = OverwatchDashboard(client_id=CLIENT_ID, client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET ) response = falcon.aggregates_detections_global_counts(filter="string") print(response)
Service class example (Operation ID syntax)
from falconpy import OverwatchDashboard # Do not hardcode API credentials! falcon = OverwatchDashboard(client_id=CLIENT_ID, client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET ) response = falcon.AggregatesDetectionsGlobalCounts(filter="string") print(response)
Uber class example
from falconpy import APIHarnessV2 # Do not hardcode API credentials! falcon = APIHarnessV2(client_id=CLIENT_ID, client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET ) PARAMS = { "filter": "string" } response = falcon.command("AggregatesDetectionsGlobalCounts", filter="string") print(response)


Get OverWatch detection event collection info by providing an aggregate query

PEP8 method name




Required Scope



  • Consumes: application/json
  • Produces: application/json

Keyword Arguments

NameServiceUberTypeData typeDescription
Service Class Support

Uber Class Support
bodylist of dictionariesFull body payload in JSON format.
Service Class Support

No Uber Class Support
bodylist of dictionariesApplies to date_range aggregations.

    "from": "2016-05-28T09:00:31Z",
    "to": "2016-05-30T09:00:31Z"
    "from": "2016-06-01T09:00:31Z",
    "to": "2016-06-10T09:00:31Z"
Service Class Support

No Uber Class Support
bodystringElements to exclude.
Service Class Support

No Uber Class Support
bodystringThe field on which to compute the aggregation.
Service Class Support

No Uber Class Support
bodystringFQL syntax formatted string to use to filter the results.
Service Class Support

No Uber Class Support
bodyintegerStarting position.
Service Class Support

No Uber Class Support
bodystringElements to include.
Service Class Support

No Uber Class Support
bodystringTime interval for date histogram aggregations. Valid values include:
  • year
  • month
  • week
  • day
  • hour
  • minute
Service Class Support

No Uber Class Support
bodyintegerOnly return buckets if values are less than or equal to the value here.
Service Class Support

No Uber Class Support
bodyintegerOnly return buckets if values are greater than or equal to the value here.
Service Class Support

No Uber Class Support
bodystringMissing is the value to be used when the aggregation field is missing from the object. In other words, the missing parameter defines how documents that are missing a value should be treated. By default they will be ignored, but it is also possible to treat them as if they had a value.
Service Class Support

No Uber Class Support
bodystringName of the aggregate query, as chosen by the user. Used to identify the results returned to you.
Service Class Support

No Uber Class Support
bodystringFull text search across all metadata fields.
Service Class Support

No Uber Class Support
bodylist of dictionariesApplies to range aggregations. Ranges values will depend on field.

For example, if max_severity is used, ranges might look like:
    "From": 0,
    "To": 70
    "From": 70,
    "To": 100
Service Class Support

No Uber Class Support
bodyintegerThe max number of term buckets to be returned.
Service Class Support

No Uber Class Support
bodylist of dictionariesA nested aggregation, such as:
    "name": "max_first_behavior",
    "type": "max",
    "field": "first_behavior"

There is a maximum of 3 nested aggregations per request.
Service Class Support

No Uber Class Support
bodystringFQL syntax string to sort bucket results.
  • _count - sort by document count
  • _term - sort by the string value alphabetically
Supports asc and desc using | format.

Example: _count|desc
Service Class Support

No Uber Class Support
bodystringTime zone for bucket results.
Service Class Support

No Uber Class Support
bodystringType of aggregation. Valid values include:
  • date_histogram - Aggregates counts on a specified time interval. Requires use of “interval” field.
  • date_range - Aggregates counts on custom defined date range buckets. Can include multiple ranges. (Similar to time series, but the bucket sizes are variable). Date formats to follow ISO 8601.
  • terms - Buckets alerts by the value of a specified field. For example, if field used is scenario, then alerts will be bucketed by the various alert scenario names.
  • range - Buckets alerts by specified (numeric) ranges of a specified field. For example, if doing a range aggregation on the max_severity field, the alerts will be counted by the specified ranges of severity.
  • cardinality - Returns the count of distinct values in a specified field.
  • max - Returns the maximum value of a specified field.
  • min - Returns the minimum value of a specified field.
  • avg - Returns the average value of the specified field.
  • sum - Returns the total sum of all values for the specified field.
  • percentiles - Returns the following percentiles for the specified field: 1, 5, 25, 50, 75, 95, 99.


Service class example (PEP8 syntax)
from falconpy import OverwatchDashboard # Do not hardcode API credentials! falcon = OverwatchDashboard(client_id=CLIENT_ID, client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET ) date_ranges = [ { "from": "2021-05-15T14:55:21.892315096Z", "to": "2021-05-17T13:42:16.493180643Z" } ] ranges = [ { "From": 1, "To": 100 } ] response = falcon.aggregates_events_collections(date_ranges=date_ranges, exclude="string", field="string", filter="string", from=integer, include="string", interval="string", max_doc_count=integer, min_doc_count=integer, missing="string", name="string", q="string", ranges=ranges, size=integer, sort="string", time_zone="string", type="string" ) print(response)
Service class example (Operation ID syntax)
from falconpy import OverwatchDashboard # Do not hardcode API credentials! falcon = OverwatchDashboard(client_id=CLIENT_ID, client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET ) date_ranges = [ { "from": "2021-05-15T14:55:21.892315096Z", "to": "2021-05-17T13:42:16.493180643Z" } ] ranges = [ { "From": 1, "To": 100 } ] response = falcon.AggregatesEventsCollections(date_ranges=date_ranges, exclude="string", field="string", filter="string", from=integer, include="string", interval="string", max_doc_count=integer, min_doc_count=integer, missing="string", name="string", q="string", ranges=ranges, size=integer, sort="string", time_zone="string", type="string" ) print(response)
Uber class example
from falconpy import APIHarnessV2 # Do not hardcode API credentials! falcon = APIHarnessV2(client_id=CLIENT_ID, client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET ) date_ranges = [ { "from": "2021-05-15T14:55:21.892315096Z", "to": "2021-05-17T13:42:16.493180643Z" } ] ranges = [ { "From": 1, "To": 100 } ] BODY = [{ "date_ranges": date_ranges, "exclude": "string", "field": "string", "filter": "string", "from": integer, "include": "string", "interval": "string", "max_doc_count": integer, "min_doc_count": integer, "missing": "string", "name": "string", "q": "string", "ranges": ranges, "size": integer, "sort": "string", "sub_aggregates": [ null ] "time_zone": "string", "type": "string" }] response = falcon.command("AggregatesEventsCollections", body=BODY) print(response)


Get aggregate OverWatch detection event info by providing an aggregate query

PEP8 method name




Required Scope



  • Consumes: application/json
  • Produces: application/json

Keyword Arguments

NameServiceUberTypeData typeDescription
Service Class Support

Uber Class Support
bodylist of dictionariesFull body payload in JSON format.
Service Class Support

No Uber Class Support
bodylist of dictionariesApplies to date_range aggregations.

    "from": "2016-05-28T09:00:31Z",
    "to": "2016-05-30T09:00:31Z"
    "from": "2016-06-01T09:00:31Z",
    "to": "2016-06-10T09:00:31Z"
Service Class Support

No Uber Class Support
bodystringElements to exclude.
Service Class Support

No Uber Class Support
bodystringThe field on which to compute the aggregation.
Service Class Support

No Uber Class Support
bodystringFQL syntax formatted string to use to filter the results.
Service Class Support

No Uber Class Support
bodyintegerStarting position.
Service Class Support

No Uber Class Support
bodystringElements to include.
Service Class Support

No Uber Class Support
bodystringTime interval for date histogram aggregations. Valid values include:
  • year
  • month
  • week
  • day
  • hour
  • minute
Service Class Support

No Uber Class Support
bodyintegerOnly return buckets if values are less than or equal to the value here.
Service Class Support

No Uber Class Support
bodyintegerOnly return buckets if values are greater than or equal to the value here.
Service Class Support

No Uber Class Support
bodystringMissing is the value to be used when the aggregation field is missing from the object. In other words, the missing parameter defines how documents that are missing a value should be treated. By default they will be ignored, but it is also possible to treat them as if they had a value.
Service Class Support

No Uber Class Support
bodystringName of the aggregate query, as chosen by the user. Used to identify the results returned to you.
Service Class Support

No Uber Class Support
bodystringFull text search across all metadata fields.
Service Class Support

No Uber Class Support
bodylist of dictionariesApplies to range aggregations. Ranges values will depend on field.

For example, if max_severity is used, ranges might look like:
    "From": 0,
    "To": 70
    "From": 70,
    "To": 100
Service Class Support

No Uber Class Support
bodyintegerThe max number of term buckets to be returned.
Service Class Support

No Uber Class Support
bodylist of dictionariesA nested aggregation, such as:
    "name": "max_first_behavior",
    "type": "max",
    "field": "first_behavior"

There is a maximum of 3 nested aggregations per request.
Service Class Support

No Uber Class Support
bodystringFQL syntax string to sort bucket results.
  • _count - sort by document count
  • _term - sort by the string value alphabetically
Supports asc and desc using | format.

Example: _count|desc
Service Class Support

No Uber Class Support
bodystringTime zone for bucket results.
Service Class Support

No Uber Class Support
bodystringType of aggregation. Valid values include:
  • date_histogram - Aggregates counts on a specified time interval. Requires use of “interval” field.
  • date_range - Aggregates counts on custom defined date range buckets. Can include multiple ranges. (Similar to time series, but the bucket sizes are variable). Date formats to follow ISO 8601.
  • terms - Buckets alerts by the value of a specified field. For example, if field used is scenario, then alerts will be bucketed by the various alert scenario names.
  • range - Buckets alerts by specified (numeric) ranges of a specified field. For example, if doing a range aggregation on the max_severity field, the alerts will be counted by the specified ranges of severity.
  • cardinality - Returns the count of distinct values in a specified field.
  • max - Returns the maximum value of a specified field.
  • min - Returns the minimum value of a specified field.
  • avg - Returns the average value of the specified field.
  • sum - Returns the total sum of all values for the specified field.
  • percentiles - Returns the following percentiles for the specified field: 1, 5, 25, 50, 75, 95, 99.


Service class example (PEP8 syntax)
from falconpy import OverwatchDashboard # Do not hardcode API credentials! falcon = OverwatchDashboard(client_id=CLIENT_ID, client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET ) date_ranges = [ { "from": "2021-05-15T14:55:21.892315096Z", "to": "2021-05-17T13:42:16.493180643Z" } ] ranges = [ { "From": 1, "To": 100 } ] response = falcon.aggregates_events(date_ranges=date_ranges, exclude="string", field="string", filter="string", from=integer, include="string", interval="string", max_doc_count=integer, min_doc_count=integer, missing="string", name="string", q="string", ranges=ranges, size=integer, sort="string", time_zone="string", type="string" ) print(response)
Service class example (Operation ID syntax)
from falconpy import OverwatchDashboard # Do not hardcode API credentials! falcon = OverwatchDashboard(client_id=CLIENT_ID, client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET ) date_ranges = [ { "from": "2021-05-15T14:55:21.892315096Z", "to": "2021-05-17T13:42:16.493180643Z" } ] ranges = [ { "From": 1, "To": 100 } ] response = falcon.AggregatesEvents(date_ranges=date_ranges, exclude="string", field="string", filter="string", from=integer, include="string", interval="string", max_doc_count=integer, min_doc_count=integer, missing="string", name="string", q="string", ranges=ranges, size=integer, sort="string", time_zone="string", type="string" ) print(response)
Uber class example
from falconpy import APIHarnessV2 # Do not hardcode API credentials! falcon = APIHarnessV2(client_id=CLIENT_ID, client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET ) date_ranges = [ { "from": "2021-05-15T14:55:21.892315096Z", "to": "2021-05-17T13:42:16.493180643Z" } ] ranges = [ { "From": 1, "To": 100 } ] BODY = [{ "date_ranges": date_ranges, "exclude": "string", "field": "string", "filter": "string", "from": integer, "include": "string", "interval": "string", "max_doc_count": integer, "min_doc_count": integer, "missing": "string", "name": "string", "q": "string", "ranges": ranges, "size": integer, "sort": "string", "sub_aggregates": [ null ] "time_zone": "string", "type": "string" }] response = falcon.command("AggregatesEvents", body=BODY) print(response)


Get the total number of incidents pushed across all customers

PEP8 method name




Required Scope



  • Consumes: application/json
  • Produces: application/json

Keyword Arguments

NameServiceUberTypeData typeDescription
Service Class Support

Uber Class Support
querystringFQL query expression that should be used to limit the results.
Service Class Support

Uber Class Support
querydictionaryFull query string parameters payload in JSON format.


Service class example (PEP8 syntax)
from falconpy import OverwatchDashboard # Do not hardcode API credentials! falcon = OverwatchDashboard(client_id=CLIENT_ID, client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET ) response = falcon.aggregates_incidents_global_counts(filter="string") print(response)
Service class example (Operation ID syntax)
from falconpy import OverwatchDashboard # Do not hardcode API credentials! falcon = OverwatchDashboard(client_id=CLIENT_ID, client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET ) response = falcon.AggregatesIncidentsGlobalCounts(filter="string") print(response)
Uber class example
from falconpy import APIHarnessV2 # Do not hardcode API credentials! falcon = APIHarnessV2(client_id=CLIENT_ID, client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET ) response = falcon.command("AggregatesIncidentsGlobalCounts", filter="string") print(response)


Get the total number of OverWatch events across all customers

PEP8 method name




Required Scope



  • Consumes: application/json
  • Produces: application/json

Keyword Arguments

NameServiceUberTypeData typeDescription
Service Class Support

Uber Class Support
querystringFQL query expression that should be used to limit the results.
Service Class Support

Uber Class Support
querydictionaryFull query string parameters payload in JSON format.


Service class example (PEP8 syntax)
from falconpy import OverwatchDashboard # Do not hardcode API credentials! falcon = OverwatchDashboard(client_id=CLIENT_ID, client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET ) response = falcon.aggregates_events_global_counts(filter="string") print(response)
Service class example (Operation ID syntax)
from falconpy import OverwatchDashboard # Do not hardcode API credentials! falcon = OverwatchDashboard(client_id=CLIENT_ID, client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET ) response = falcon.AggregatesOWEventsGlobalCounts(filter="string") print(response)
Uber class example
from falconpy import APIHarnessV2 # Do not hardcode API credentials! falcon = APIHarnessV2(client_id=CLIENT_ID, client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET ) response = falcon.command("AggregatesOWEventsGlobalCounts", filter="string") print(response)