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Using the API Integrations service collection

Uber class support Service class support Documentation Version Page Updated

Table of Contents

Operation IDDescription
Queries for config resources and returns details
Execute a command and proxy the response directly.
Execute a command.

Passing credentials


client_id and client_secret are keyword arguments that contain your CrowdStrike API credentials. Please note that all examples below do not hard code these values. (These values are ingested as strings.)

CrowdStrike does not recommend hard coding API credentials or customer identifiers within source code.


Queries for config resources and returns details

PEP8 method name




Required Scope



  • Consumes: application/json
  • Produces: application/json

Keyword Arguments

NameServiceUberTypeData typeDescription
filterService Class SupportUber Class SupportquerystringFilter items using a query in Falcon Query Language (FQL).
limitService Class SupportUber Class SupportqueryintegerThe number of items to return in this response (default: 100, max: 500). Use with the offset parameter to manage pagination of results.
offsetService Class SupportUber Class SupportqueryintegerThe first item to return, where 0 is the latest item. Use with the limit parameter to manage pagination of results.
parametersService Class SupportUber Class SupportquerydictionaryFull query string parameters payload as a dictionary. Not required when using other keywords.
sortService Class SupportUber Class SupportquerystringSort items using their properties.


Service class example (PEP8 syntax)
from falconpy import APIIntegrations falcon = APIIntegrations(client_id=CLIENT_ID, client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET ) response = falcon.get_plugin_configs(filter="string", limit=integer, offset=integer, sort="string" ) print(response)
Service class example (Operation ID syntax)
from falconpy import APIIntegrations falcon = APIIntegrations(client_id=CLIENT_ID, client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET ) response = falcon.GetCombinedPluginConfigs(filter="string", limit=integer, offset=integer, sort="string" ) print(response)
Uber class example
from falconpy import APIHarnessV2 falcon = APIHarnessV2(client_id=CLIENT_ID, client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET ) response = falcon.command("GetCombinedPluginConfigs", filter="string", limit=integer, offset=integer, sort="string" ) print(response)

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Execute a command and proxy the response directly.

PEP8 method name




Required Scope



  • Consumes: application/json
  • Produces: application/json

Keyword Arguments

NameServiceUberTypeData typeDescription
bodyService Class SupportUber Class SupportbodydictionaryFull body payload as a dictionary. Not required when using other keywords.
config_auth_typeService Class SupportNo Uber Class SupportbodystringConfiguration authorization type for plugin to execute. Only application for security scheme plugins. If not provided, execution will use the default authorization type.
config_idService Class SupportNo Uber Class SupportbodystringConfiguration ID. If omitted, the oldest configuration ID will be used.
definition_idService Class SupportNo Uber Class SupportbodystringID of the definition containing the operation to execute.
idService Class SupportNo Uber Class SupportbodystringID of the specific plugin to execute provided in "definition_name.operation_name" format.
operation_idService Class SupportNo Uber Class SupportbodystringThe specific operation to execute.
dataService Class SupportNo Uber Class SupportbodystringCommand data.
descriptionService Class SupportNo Uber Class SupportbodystringCommand description.
paramsService Class SupportNo Uber Class SupportbodydictionaryCommand parameters. Overwritten if keywords are used to provide command parameters.
cookieService Class SupportNo Uber Class SupportbodydictionaryCommand parameter - cookie.
headerService Class SupportNo Uber Class SupportbodydictionaryCommand parameter - header.
pathService Class SupportNo Uber Class SupportbodydictionaryCommand parameter - path.
queryService Class SupportNo Uber Class SupportbodydictionaryCommand parameter - query.
versionService Class SupportNo Uber Class SupportbodyintegerThe version of the definition to execute.


Service class example (PEP8 syntax)
from falconpy import APIIntegrations falcon = APIIntegrations(client_id=CLIENT_ID, client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET ) response = falcon.execute_command_proxy(config_auth_type="string", config_id="string", definition_id="string", id="string", operation_id="string", description="string", data="string", version=integer ) print(response)
Service class example (Operation ID syntax)
from falconpy import APIIntegrations falcon = APIIntegrations(client_id=CLIENT_ID, client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET ) response = falcon.ExecuteCommandProxy(config_auth_type="string", config_id="string", definition_id="string", id="string", operation_id="string", description="string", data="string", version=integer ) print(response)
Uber class example
from falconpy import APIHarnessV2 falcon = APIHarnessV2(client_id=CLIENT_ID, client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET ) body_payload = { "resources": [ { "config_auth_type": "string", "config_id": "string", "definition_id": "string", "id": "string", "operation_id": "string", "request": { "data": "string", "description": "string", "params": { "cookie": {}, "header": {}, "path": {}, "query": {} }, "x-www-form-urlencoded": {} }, "version": integer } ] } response = falcon.command("ExecuteCommandProxy", body=body_payload) print(response)

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Execute a command.

PEP8 method name




Required Scope



  • Consumes: application/json
  • Produces: application/json

Keyword Arguments

NameServiceUberTypeData typeDescription
bodyService Class SupportUber Class SupportbodydictionaryFull body payload as a dictionary. Not required when using other keywords.
config_auth_typeService Class SupportNo Uber Class SupportbodystringConfiguration authorization type for plugin to execute. Only application for security scheme plugins. If not provided, execution will use the default authorization type.
config_idService Class SupportNo Uber Class SupportbodystringConfiguration ID. If omitted, the oldest configuration ID will be used.
definition_idService Class SupportNo Uber Class SupportbodystringID of the definition containing the operation to execute.
idService Class SupportNo Uber Class SupportbodystringID of the specific plugin to execute provided in "definition_name.operation_name" format.
operation_idService Class SupportNo Uber Class SupportbodystringThe specific operation to execute.
dataService Class SupportNo Uber Class SupportbodystringCommand data.
descriptionService Class SupportNo Uber Class SupportbodystringCommand description.
paramsService Class SupportNo Uber Class SupportbodydictionaryCommand parameters. Overwritten if keywords are used to provide command parameters.
cookieService Class SupportNo Uber Class SupportbodydictionaryCommand parameter - cookie.
headerService Class SupportNo Uber Class SupportbodydictionaryCommand parameter - header.
pathService Class SupportNo Uber Class SupportbodydictionaryCommand parameter - path.
queryService Class SupportNo Uber Class SupportbodydictionaryCommand parameter - query.
versionService Class SupportNo Uber Class SupportbodyintegerThe version of the definition to execute.


Service class example (PEP8 syntax)
from falconpy import APIIntegrations falcon = APIIntegrations(client_id=CLIENT_ID, client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET ) response = falcon.execute_command(config_auth_type="string", config_id="string", definition_id="string", id="string", operation_id="string", description="string", version=integer ) print(response)
Service class example (Operation ID syntax)
from falconpy import APIIntegrations falcon = APIIntegrations(client_id=CLIENT_ID, client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET ) response = falcon.ExecuteCommand(config_auth_type="string", config_id="string", definition_id="string", id="string", operation_id="string", description="string", version=integer ) print(response)
Uber class example
from falconpy import APIHarnessV2 falcon = APIHarnessV2(client_id=CLIENT_ID, client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET ) body_payload = { "resources": [ { "config_auth_type": "string", "config_id": "string", "definition_id": "string", "id": "string", "operation_id": "string", "request": { "description": "string" }, "version": integer } ] } response = falcon.command("ExecuteCommand", body=body_payload) print(response)

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